Home of Fine Italian Foods since 1917
555 2nd Avenue between 30th & 31st Street NYC
Home of Fine Italian Foods since 1917
555 2nd Avenue between 30th & 31st Street NYC

Callipo Tuna in Water

Availability: Out of stock

SKU#: sea0006

Weight: 7 oz
Since 1913, Callipo has been a leading producer of Mediterranean tuna and other seafood products. Based out of the southern Italian region of Calabria, Callipo sources the finest yellowfin tuna filets and packs it in olive oil.

Yellowfin Tuna is fished in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and frozen in brine immediately on-board the ships. It is quickly transferred to the Maierato premises respecting the cold temperatures, and undergoes a unique one day processing cycle starting with the round tuna.

Characterised by its light pink color and rather low in fat, Yellowfin is the most prestigious variety amongst the imported tunas.
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